On a day like today, it seemed appropriate to express feelings that this profession has unleashed throughout these years. Sometimes you should do like the good guy. José Arcadio Buendía In “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, write down the meaning of each thing with its name so as not to forget where everything came from and thus not fall into the endemic evil of oblivion.
These 29 years mean nothing more than just another day in our lives, you can't even expect it to be anything special beyond your people. In the same way we can say that they are different. This is the first time you are in an existential state, in which I feel nescient. Only in the face of this emotion that I ignore, it was possible to investigate and investigate. Until I heard “you are a victim of your precocity,” words from a scholar and analyst of our profession who used a prism far removed from friendship to describe an unknown emotional state. Maybe it hit the right note, that went deeper into “you live at a speed that takes you away from reality.” Those two expressions generated a heady sludge in my thoughts. The logical plane in which we move was shaky and it was difficult to accept that reality.
The set of these statements had a very deep content, which surpassed the tangible, the reasonable and, as Osho would say in Emotional Wellbeing, “you should slide from your head to your heart, then take a little more risk and slide from your heart to your true self.” Only in this way would you accept why you have distanced people from your life who gave everything for your happiness.
“Accept that you are selfish” he concluded so bluntly. Surely he was very right, it was time to see beyond our daily lives, to find your most unrecognizable self, and admit that your professional moment, which has taken you so much work, is a non-negotiable pillar in your current life.
It would be cruel to end this way, I prefer to choose the encouraging words of Alex Rovira in letter 24 of The Inner Compass, “And I can change. I can live from my imagination and not from my memory. I can relate to my unlimited potential instead of my limiting past. “I can become my own creator.” By sharing this quote I say goodbye believing “that the best is yet to come” 😉
Let's go ELCHE!!!